
Instructional Level

Introductory — Designed for psychologists who may have little to no background in a specialized skill or content area. The learner can become acquainted with the theoretical underpinnings, principles, methods, and
perspectives of a content area. Although it can be used as a foundation for more advanced learning, a program may simply focus on breadth, enrichment or general knowledge.

Course Description and Target Audience

This training will provide participants with evidence-based recommendations for treating tobacco and nicotine dependence among one of Indiana’s most vulnerable populations – adults with mental health conditions, substance use disorders, or co-occuring disorders. Participants will review factors related to nicotine dependence and cessation, the prevalence and consequences of tobacco use among individuals with behavioral health conditions, and strategies and recommendations for assisting individuals with tobacco recovery. There are no known risks associated with this program.

The target audience is mental health providers (advanced doctoral level psychology trainees, psychologists in practice, master’s level clinicians, etc).

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to discuss the prevalence and identify the trends of tobacco use among adults in the U.S.
  • Participants will be able to explain the epidemiology and impact of tobacco use among behavioral health consumers.
  • Participants will be able to review evidence-based tobacco treatment strategies and recommendations based on the U.S. Public Health Services Clinical Practice Guideline on Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence.
  • Participants will be able to identify and describe current FDA-approved pharmacological approached for the treatment of tobacoo/nicotine dependence.
  • Participants will be able to review cognitive and behavioral treatment strategies to assist tobacco users throughout their quit attempt.
  • Participants will be able to apply knowledge of pharmacological and behavioral approaches for tobacco treatment to sample case studies.

Presenter Information

Ms. Hsu is a trained Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) by the University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Tobacco Treatment Research and Training. She is also a certified-UMass TTS Trainer with experience in planning, coordinating, and delivering TTS trainings around the State of Indiana. Her work with Rethink Tobacco Indiana focuses on providing technical assistance while conducting a health systems change project with behavioral health treatment centers to integrate the delivery of tobacco treatment services and/or comprehensive tobacco-free grounds policies. While there is currently no national certification available for tobacco professionals, Ms. Hsu has earned the highest recognition by obtaining the National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment Practice (NCTTP). She is also a professional member of the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence, Inc. (ATTUD) and she holds a Master of Public Health degree from Indiana University Bloomington School of Public Health. 

Video Homestudy Format

CE’s for this homestudy training will be earned through completing the following tasks:

  • Watch the presentation video and review all provided documents in their entirety.
  • Pass the post-test questionnaire with at least 80% correct.

A program evaluation form will be provided to all who registered following the training. Please be sure to complete this form since your feedback helps direct future CE programming from our organization.

Registration Cost

This cost includes video links, materials, and tests required to obtain the CE’s. The CE certificate will be emailed to participants upon successful completion of the training (80% or higher on the exam).